How to Market Yourself

So, you want to put yourself out there. The best way to market yourself is to be good at what you do and find the right distribution channel to showcase it. The most important thing I can say is bragging about yourself will do more harm than good for your career. So, don’t aim to brag and impress. Aim to educate and be memorable. It’s better to be the best version of yourself, then the second version of somebody else.

Negative Externalities Can Be Opportunities

Have you ever thought about the negative impact your business or industry has on the environment or community? Pollution, waste, over consumption of limited resources, habitat destruction, improper disposal practices, time away from families, standards of living declining, etc all effect our world. You want your kids to thank you, not blame you, for the world you leave them. Don’t be a part of the problem, be part of the solution. Many companies are seeing these negative externalities as opportunities to position themselves against them which can bring about good press and increase sales. Here are 15 Ways to Turn Your Negative Externality into a Positive Impact.

What Makes Great PR Strategy? Make Fun of Fake News!

  Fake news. It has been a trending topic since the presidential campaign of Donald Trump. Donald, among others have been trying to blow news organizations wide open and un-face them with claims that their stories don’t hold true, either through bad sourcing or deliberate attempts to create hype by twisting truth for the sake…